Mamra Badaam or its cousin California Almonds ?

Each morning the struggle to simultaneously tie shoelaces and pack the school bag while the school bus honked just outside the gate but aloof to this morning madness, all that your mother bothered about was popping a few almonds in your mouth. Does that sound familiar?!

Well yes! We all have gone through this peak of multi-tasking for the sole reason we all have grown up listening that soaked almonds in the morning lead to and increased brainpower, especially in growing children.

But have you ever wondered where these brain boosters come from? Or what makes them brain boosters? Or for that matter how many varieties are available?

Let’s begin with the most common variety of Almonds, the California Almonds. These are readily available in shops near you! From your regular kirana stores to the high end grocery stores. There are good chances that the almonds found in your uniform pockets were California Almonds! Brings backs memories of the nice shouting you got from your mother, doesn’t it?

Well, turns out these aren’t actually the real almonds that your mother harped about! California Almonds are the most ill-advertised variety. They are big in size because they are processed and made in factories for mass production. The introduction of industrialized production kills all the necessary nutrients required to boost your brain power! Further, they are laden with artificially sweet flavours to make them appetizing.

So maybe it’s not such a bad thing that you didn’t eat those almonds!

On the other hand, the Indian variety called Mamra, is the real deal! These are grown in the luscious valleys of Palmpore, Kashmir. The natural production, lack of machine intervention and chemical free cultivation helps them retain all the nutrients that are required for your brain functioning. The very reason that they are sown, cultivated and harvested with hand makes them a cut above the rest. Which is also why they happen to be less available and more expensive than the California variety.

Mamra is also very rich in the healthy oil content with in turn helps reduce bad cholesterol and keep your heart health in check. The oil further adds a more distinct taste and a softer, creamier texture. In contrast, California almonds have a lower oil content, which gives them a more subtle flavour and a firmer, crunchier texture.

Further, owning to Mamra being produced in our own country, the money earned directly goes to the Indian farmers instead of being taken out of the country, which in the larger picture also boosts the self sufficiency and sustainability of India along with your mind, body and brain!

So now that you know this, which one would you pick ?

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